top-view photography of seashore


wooden boat on shore near green tree

The Founder

Quality, not quantity

We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.

"Turn strangers into friends."

A native of Pontevedra, Capiz, Mr. Ramonito Bulahan also known as "Kuya Bebot" went to Boracay Island on 2009 to discover the island gem and find opportunities to provide for his family. He started as a fish and crab vendor and rove around Boracay by foot carrying kilos of seafoods to sell. He familiarized the island location and the tourism industry. Months passed by, he realized that there are bigger opportunities in the tourism industry so he was encouraged to give it a shot and be a Tour Guide in the island. After number of trainings with the Department of Tourism, on 2012, he was officially accredited as a Licensed Tour Guide.

His career as a tourism personnel prosper and he encountered people from all over the world and made connections with them. He was so passionate with his work that made him gain more clients-turned-friends. This made him decide to level up his capacity so he can maximize the service that he can provide in the tourism industry of Boracay.

3 years later, on 2015, he put up Eagle's Eye Travel & Tours in Boracay. Since then, many clients enjoyed our service and we have maintained a good standing of 5 star ratings in our official Facebook business page.

Yeza Crystael Bulahan Cabading


Daughter of Mr. Ramonito Bulahan Jr., Ms Yeza or mostly called "Ms Yen", is Eagle'e Eye Travel & Tours' manager. She's also a vlogger in Boracay that mostly promotes the tourism industry in the island. She finished her studies and decided to help run Eagle's Eye Travel and Tours to help maintain and provide standard quality tourism service in Boracay.